CWB-Management Proxy Circular-2023-EN

2021 PSU Changes

TSR Performance Multiplier Narrowed

Performance multiplier is calculated according to the following schedule, with linear interpolation determined between the percentile ranks shown below.

CWB’s TSR Ranking

Performance Multiplier

25 th Percentile and below


50 th Percentile


80 th Percentile and above


However, if CWB delivers negative TSR during the performance period but is ranked above the 50 th percentile, the performance multiplier will be reduced to 100%.

Strategic Initiatives Performance Multiplier Narrowed

Performance multiplier is calculated according to the following schedule, with linear interpolation determined between the percentile ranks shown below.

Assessment of Goal Attainment

Performance Multiplier

Exceptional Performance

125 – 150%

Above Expectations

105 – 125%

Met Expectations

95 – 105%

Below Expectations

50 – 95%

The three-year strategic initiatives measure is maintained, with a weighting of 40%, as a continued focus on CWB’s long -range strategic direction is appropriate.

We generally do not disclose performance metrics for a specific grant before vesting, as we consider these metrics and our strategic initiatives as commercially sensitive information.

2022 PSU Grant

The PSUs granted in fiscal 2022 were structured similarly to those granted in fiscal 2021.

2023 PSU Design

The PSUs granted in fiscal 2023 were structured similarly to those granted in 2022, with the exception that the changes made to the relative TSR component of the PSUs, resulting in a symmetrical performance/payout schedule (as outlined below).

2023 PSU Changes

TSR Performance Multiplier Narrowed

Performance multiplier is calculated according to the following schedule, with linear interpolation determined between the percentile ranks shown below.

CWB’s TSR Ranking

Performance Multiplier

25 th Percentile and below


50 th Percentile


75 th Percentile and above


However, if CWB delivers negative TSR during the performance period but is ranked above the 50 th percentile, the performance multiplier will be reduced to 100%.

Restricted Share Unit (RSU) Plan


• RSUs granted under the RSU Plan are bookkeeping entries credited to an account created for each Participant. • Each RSU represents a unit with an underlying value equivalent to the value of one CWB common share. • Notional dividends accrue to the RSU holder and are converted on the dividend date into additional RSUs that vest in accordance with the respective grant. • On the grant date for RSUs, the value of the applicable allocation (based on a percentage of base salary as shown on the table on page 44) is divided by the weighted average trading price of one CWB common share on the grant date and the four trading days preceding the grant date to arrive at the number of RSUs granted to the executive. • In fiscal 2020, the HR Committee approved changes to the LTIP composition effective for fiscal 2021. RSUs were removed from NEO LTIP (except for special recruitment/retention purposes).

Grant Determination

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