CWBFG Annual Report 2022

25. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS - OFFSETTING The following table provides a summary of financial assets and liabilities which are subject to enforceable master netting agreements and similar arrangements, as well as financial collateral received and pledged to mitigate credit exposures related to these financial instruments. The agreements do not meet the netting criteria required by IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation as the right to offset is only enforceable in the event of default or occurrence of other predetermined events.

Amounts not Offset on the Consolidated Balance Sheet

Gross Amounts Reported on the

Impact of Master Netting Agreements

Securities Received as Collateral (1)(2)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Cash Collateral (1)

As at October 31, 2022

Net Amount

Financial Assets Derivatives











Financial Liabilities Derivatives











Amounts not Offset on the Consolidated Balance Sheet

Gross Amounts Reported on the

Impact of Master Netting Agreements

Securities Received as Collateral (1)(2)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Cash Collateral (1)

As at October 31, 2021

Net Amount

Financial Assets Derivatives











Financial Liabilities Derivatives











(1) Financial collateral is reflected at fair value. The amount of financial instruments and cash collateral disclosed is limited to the net balance sheet exposure, and any over-collateralization is excluded from the table. (2) Collateral received in the form of securities is not recognized on the consolidated balance sheets.


As part of our risk management practices, the risks that are significant to the business are identified, monitored and controlled. The nature of these risks and how they are managed is provided in the Risk Management section of the MD&A.

As permitted by the IASB, certain aspects of the risk management disclosure related to risks inherent with financial instruments is included in the MD&A. The relevant MD&A sections are identified by shading within boxes and the content forms an integral part of these audited consolidated financial statements.

Information on specific measures of risk, including the allowance for credit losses, derivative financial instruments, interest rate sensitivity, fair value of financial instruments and liability for unpaid claims are included elsewhere in these notes to the consolidated financial statements.

27. CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Capital funds are managed in accordance with policies and plans that are regularly reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and take into account forecast capital needs with consideration of anticipated profitability, asset growth, market and economic conditions, regulatory changes, and common and preferred share dividends. The goal is to maintain adequate regulatory capital to be considered well-capitalized and protect customer deposits, while providing a satisfactory return for shareholders. We have a share incentive plan that is provided to officers and employees who are in a position to impact our longer-term financial success as measured by share price appreciation and dividend yield. Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements details the number of shares under options outstanding, the weighted average exercise price and the amounts exercisable at year end. Regulatory capital and capital ratios are calculated in accordance with the requirements of OSFI. Capital is managed and reported in accordance with the requirements of the Basel III Capital Adequacy Accord (Basel III) using the Standardized approach. OSFI requires banks to measure capital adequacy in accordance with instructions for determining risk-adjusted capital and risk-weighted assets, including off-balance sheet commitments. Based on the deemed credit risk of each type of asset, a standardized weighting of 0% to 150% is assigned. As an example, a loan that is fully insured by CMHC is applied a risk weighting of 0% as our risk of loss is nil, while uninsured business loans are assigned a risk weighting of 100% to reflect the higher level of risk associated with this type of asset. The ratio of regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets is calculated and compared to OSFI’s standards for Canadian financial institutions. Off -balance sheet assets, such as the notional amount of derivatives and some credit commitments, are included in the calculation of risk-weighted assets and both the credit risk equivalent and the risk-weighted calculations are prescribed by OSFI. Our required minimum regulatory capital ratios, including a 250 basis point capital conservation buffer, are 7.0% common equity Tier 1 (CET1), 8.5% Tier 1 and 10.5% Total capital. In addition, OSFI requires banks to maintain a minimum leverage ratio of 3.0%. The leverage ratio provides the ratio of Tier 1 capital to on-balance sheet and off- balance sheet exposures.

During the year, we complied with all external capital requirements.

CWB Financial Group 2022 Annual Report | 107

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