CWBFG Annual Report 2022


We securitize equipment financing leases and loans to third parties. These securitizations do not qualify for derecognition as we continue to be exposed to certain risks associated with the leases and loans, therefore we have not transferred substantially all of the risk and rewards of ownership. As the leases and loans do not qualify for derecognition, the assets are not removed from the consolidated balance sheets and a securitization liability is recognized within debt related to securitization activities for the cash proceeds received (see Note 14).

During 2022, we securitized equipment financing leases and loans of $1,136,679 (2021 – $1,071,280), which were sold to third parties for cash proceeds of $1,019,557 (2021 – $962,718).

SECURITIZATION OF RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES We securitize fully insured residential mortgage loans through the creation of mortgage-backed securities under the National Housing Act Mortgage Backed Securities (NHA MBS) program sponsored by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The mortgage-backed securities are sold directly to third party investors, sold to the Canada Housing Trust (CHT) as part of the Canada Mortgage Bond (CMB) program or are held by us. The CHT issues CMBs, which are government guaranteed, to third party investors and uses resulting proceeds to purchase NHA MBS from us and other mortgage issuers in the Canadian market. The third-party sale of the mortgage pools that comprise the NHA MBS does not qualify for derecognition as we retain the credit and interest rate risks associated with the mortgages, which represent substantially all of the risks and rewards associated with the transferred assets. As a result, the mortgages remain on the consolidated balance sheets as personal loans and are carried at amortized cost. Cash proceeds from the third-party sale of the mortgage pools, including those sold as part of the CMB program, are recognized within debt related to securitization activities (see Note 14).

During 2022, we securitized residential mortgages of $231,266 (2021 – $483,099) which were sold to the CHT for cash proceeds of $220,381 (2021 – $478,254).

SECURITIES SOLD UNDER REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS We enter into repurchase agreements under which we sell previously recognized securities, with a simultaneous agreement to purchase them back at a specific price on a future date, but retain substantially all of the credit, price, interest rate, and foreign exchange risks and rewards associated with the assets (see Note 5). These securities are not derecognized and the cash proceeds from the sale are recognized within other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets.

Details about the nature of transferred financial assets that do not qualify for derecognition and the associated liabilities are as follows:

As at October 31, 2022

As at October 31, 2021

Carrying Value

Fair Value

Carrying Value

Fair Value

Transferred Assets that do not Qualify for Derecognition Securitized leases and loans


2,124,604 $

2,114,958 $

1,926,944 $


Securitized residential mortgages





Securities sold under repurchase agreements





3,528,508 3,335,451

3,511,367 3,288,191

2,807,591 2,641,843

2,799,229 2,656,176

Associated Liabilities (1)

Net Position


193,057 $



165,748 $


(1) Associated liabilities consist of $1,935,812 related to securitized lease and loans (2021 – $1,756,210), $1,152,285 related to residential mortgages securitized through the NHA MBS program (2021 – $885,633), and $247,354 related to securities sold under repurchase agreements (2021 – $nil).

Additionally, we have securitized residential mortgages through the NHA MBS program totaling $229,052 with a fair value of $227,568 (2021 – $499,908 with a fair value of $494,144) that were not transferred to third parties.

CWB Financial Group 2022 Annual Report | 85

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